Monday, June 11, 2012


A new clan will be unleash at July is AQUA FORCE!
I wonder what is this clan...hmm...looks like a sea navy clan...
Hopefully it have similar skill like Gran Blue. I hope it can let the rested units stand again without trigger and do a wave and a wave of attacks. Thought this is a skill that no clan has.

I like blue sea but unfortunally Gran Blue isn't the "blue" I like. For me, Aqua Force has the style I like and it is "sky blue" but not Gran Blue's "dark blue". So I really happy to see the appearance of this clan.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


*image from

Just now I have told that the brand new series of Gundam -- Gundam Age anime TV version will be broadcast on TV at Saturday!

Why is Saturday again!!! I have miss this type of anime for many years just because it's Saturday!!! I don't have so much time to watch it online~~~

My First DIY Vanguard Image !

At the second day of June holiday, I spent a whole morning to create this picture because my brother want to decorate his card holder, so I do this for him. At first I want to put in 4 Nova Grappler units ... but my brother don't want ... how disappointing == So I put in the unit he wants (3) and Stern Blaukruger (my favourite unit!), then this happened ...

After edited this picture I found that if your pc didn't have Adobe Photoshop, some basic program like paint and "美图秀秀" + Microsoft Powerpoint also can do this ... just not as good as Photoshop anyway ... but combine them to use is a very easy way indeed ~ Using 美图秀秀's easy cutting to cut the unit out of web image + Powerpoint's free image placing and use paint to enlarge it. The flame of Amber dragon "Eclipse"
is represent with Powerpoint's crop tool. Because of web's material only have 1 type of the scattered card image, so I use that image and put into the picture in scattered way to present the background.

For first Vanguard image i have done, I really like this image. So I show it in here. Hope you'll like it too ~

Conclusion: image used: 6
                   time used: 2 hours (very long I think...)
Thanks for comment(s)!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cardfight!!! Vanguard ~ Intro

These days, other than the homework, the thing that I spend most time for it is the Card Game & Anime "CARD FIGHT!!!VANGUARD". This is one of the TCG (trading card game) that newly publish in this  year. After publish its TCG, it release its anime on TV and it also have comic now. Cardfight!!!Vanguard TCG is the fusion of YuGiOh! and Duel Master. It is the product made by the director of this 2 TCG director. YuGiOh! and Duel Master is 2 of the most successful card game. Therefore, Vanguard is create in "no bug", and the method to play is also the combine of the 2 TCG.

Main Character in Cardfight!!!Vanguad.

After I notice that many of Foon Yew student have play and collect "Vanguard" card, I realise that the Vanguard's card can actually let you earn a lot of money and one you just need is have some money to buy it. Because of the price of card is depend on its effect and skill or rarity, some card can sell with price up to RM100 each!

Some of the cards which cost RM 40++.

These rare cards are hide in the booster pack, and buy a booster pack is like a lucky draw. If you're lucky, you can earn RM100 or more with just use RM8 to buy a pack.
Some of the Trial Decks and Booster Pack 01.

Anyway, thing I want to say is, TCG isn't a bad activity for us. It is same like chess, need to think about the strategy for your deck. There are many clans in Vanguard. Each clan have different way to play because of the different of skill. So, you can find the clan which is more suitable for your "fighting" way. Another thing is, TCG is not games that just for boys. Same as other TCG, Vanguard also have some clan for most girl, but this isn't say that only girl can use, is just the clan have more girl character.This clans are Oracle Think Thank and Bermuda Delta.
OTT trial deck & Bermuda Delta.

Vanguard also got a clan which vampire lovers are crazy for. The clan is Dark Irregular.
 The Vampires~

My favorite clan: Nova Grappler

Strong Cards of Nova Grappler.

*End of Vanguard*